Wednesday, January 4, 2012

In detail...

Okay, so as cliche as this might sound at first, you'll be happy to find out that it's mostly a lot of TMI statements on my behalf. But, I will be using this published journal as a way to keep myself accountable for the list below. Feel free to call me out in November when none of this has happened.

My new year resolutions in seriously no particular order (mostly it's in the order in which it came to my head)

1. Take better care of my feet. I wear a lot of heels. I wear sandals in the summer. I dance ballet. I walk around barefoot. I forget to moisturize my feet on a regular basis. While I do frequent the nail salon for a pedicure, it's not enough. I really need to take better care of my feet! They are begging for it and it is time.

2. Wash my face EVERY night.  I do wash my face at night. I do. But there is the occasional night or two during the week that I opt for going straight to bed. Big mistake. Just ONE slip up causes damage to my already sensitive skin. I must stick to this one. I am NOT getting any younger. :)

3. Clean my purse out at LEAST every couple of weeks. It's a purse. I use it every day. Stuff gets thrown in it. Stuff gets forgotten in it. Stuff gets LOST in it. Ugh. Seriously need to clean this thing out more often.

4. Dust more often.  I have allergies. This should be a no brainer, but I always put it off. Better for my breathing! Do it, Jen.

5. Can the meat. Not literally - more like figuratively. As in "give up the meat." Yup, that's right - I am giving up meat. No more chicken, turkey, beef, pork, lamb, etc etc etc. I will be keeping fish in my diet. But, the rest of it is gone. I have started to realize that my body does not respond well to these things, so this is a larger picture experiment to see if by cutting it out, I will feel better. Fingers crossed that I figure this out.

6. Juice at LEAST once a day. After trying a juice cleanse last year, I am hooked. Make all the "that's so LA" jokes you want, it wont phase me. I am going to get juiced. (any recipes are totally welcome!)

7. Fit back into my clothes. Last year was amazing and wild and adventurous. That also means that it entailed a lot of what I like to call "adventurous eating." I ate so many things I would never normally eat. My body rebelled by gaining weight. I have lost most of it, but I am not quite back to normal. Working on it.

8. Strength Training. I read an article that small "petite" women need to be doing strength training more than cardio in order to achieve successful weight lose and body tone-age. Well, after being a spinner (cardio) for so long, I have decided to back off on the spinning (not cutting it out completely) and focus more on pilates/strength training exercise regimens.

9. Philanthropist at heart. Aside from my work with the National Model UN, I need to add more philanthropy into my life. I need to return to 826 LA for some tutoring and find other volunteer opportunities.

10. Spend more time with my Grandma. Self explanatory - just gotta do it.

11. Apprenez à parler français. Translation needed? Well soon enough I will be speaking so much French, that you might have to learn it yourself. That's right....French conversation. Let's see if I can dig up any of my high school French and become a little "fluent" :)

12. Book clubbing it up. Keeping our book club alive is REALLY important to me. I really hope we are able to keep it thriving and growing and maturing. It really is my intellectual touchstone once a month. 12 books in one  year is impressive....I want to be able to say that come New Year's Eve 2012.

13. CGM. The Curly Girl Method. I told myself I would give this a try. It involves getting rid of all sulfates and silicones in my hair products - chemicals that are said to be killing my natural curls. Now while my hair is not "curly" per se - it is definitely REALLY wavy and at times unruly like curly hair. I really love curly hair and want my curls to thrive and live up to their potential. So we'll see....hopefully consistent CGM will show me that I actually DO have curly hair. 

14. Roughing It.  I have not been camping in a while. I love camping. The hippie in me enjoys the dirt and the idea of being kind of dirty for a few days. Beach camping is my favorite, but I am down for anywhere! 

15. Closet cleansing. Some people collect porcelain dolls. Others collect limited press quarters. Me, I collect clothes. I love clothes. I have a lot of clothes. I have too many clothes. I really should do a tri-yearly cleansing of my closet. I have a trip to Crossroads/Buffalo Exchange in mind. And after that, I think I will set up shop in my apartment like I did last year and invite my family over to pick through things that I don't need anymore. I feel better already having said it! 

16. Re-Elect the President. November 6th is just around the political corner. There is a lot of work to be done and I am in it to win it. I am so proud of the little team of volunteers my friend Andi and I have harvested. We will do good things together and get President Obama re-elected. Can't wait. 

17. Cook more. Duh. Easy goal to set. Easy one to fail at. So for the 10th time it is on my list. Ho hum. 

18. Parking tickets NO MORE. Truly it is one of my goals to not get parking tickets. Read the signs, Jen!

19. Be easier on myself. I am the worst when it comes to self battery. I beat myself up over EVERYTHING. I need to be more forgiving of my flaws and mistakes. In general, love myself more and not be so hard on myself if something doesn't work out the way I hope. This is probably the hardest one on the list. Merp.

20. Overbooked dot com. I need to be better at saying "no." "No, I cannot make it to your party." "No I cannot start work today without any notice." "No, I cannot make it to the Jiffy Lube during my lunch break." I always try to do sooo much in very little time. I am the girl that has 4 parties to get to in one Saturday night. I am always overbooked! I just need to be better at spreading it all out and taking time to smell the roses. 

Bonus! 21. Bloggy McBloggerton. As mentioned in my previous post....I am promising myself that I will blog more. For one thing, I hope to blog about my resolution successes. Or, if everything goes to shit, my resolution failures. Either way... I am excited to really turn this into something great. 

Anybody interested in sharing their resolutions? Tips on keeping mine? Help! 

Okay. So that is a hefty list. Read, set, go? Eek....

Monday, January 2, 2012

A comment on 2012

Totally excited for the new year. Convinced it will bring great things. Resolutions in place. Positive outlook in check. Yadda Yadda Yadda. Blah blah blah. All of that and more. Etc etc etc.

On to more honest stuff... I honestly despise the month of January and looking forward to March/April. I feel like the year doesn't really begin until then. No offense to any of you who have a birthday or anniversary or anything like that before March/April. It's nothing against your special day. It's just that for me personally... The beginning of the year is always slow to start, boring and has no real rhythm. You know?
That being said. Expect more from me on the bloggy blog. Now that I have it on my phone...the excuse train stops here.
More sarcasm, opinions, photos and punnies for 2012. How is that for a resolution?

In other news... Excellent weather for this time of year, ay?