Alright, so I kind of told myself that I would not use this blog as a place to get angry. BUT....something really has me angry right now and I must vent. So..... here goes.
"Planned Koran burning draws anger" - is an ACTUAL headline in today's LA Times. This story has been making headlines for a week or so now and I just can't hold my tongue any longer. Rev. Terry Jones - author of "Islam Is of the Devil" - is a hate monger and needs to be stopped. His claim that he has been 'called upon' to send this message is such bullshit - this is the kind of extremist behavior that starts religious wars, terrorist attacks and hate campaigns. I applaud all of the inter-religious efforts to condemn these actions and try to express the dangerous implications of such a vulgar act of hate.
In case you have not heard this story yet - here is the cliffs note's version of it: A small church in Gainesville, Florida led by Rev. Terry Jones is planning a big Koran burning party on 9/11. Why? Because they are ignorant idiots. Yup, I said it. (I was not kidding when I said that this has got me really angry).
Jone's church claims to be using this offensive act to "warn about the teaching and ideology of Islam, which we do hate as it is hateful. The world is in bondage to the massive grip of the lies of Islam." Wow. Well sounds like the same ignorant jargon that extremist terrorists spout about Christianity.
Rev. Terry Jones and all of his followers are terrorists. We must condemn this act of terror. I hate that I am even giving this story the time of day or space on my blog, BUT - I do think that there are a lot of people like this out there and it is not something to be taken lightly. Ugh!
What and IDIOT!! That is a guy is screaming for attention, and he is getting it.
ReplyDeleteThis is how the people of Afghanistan must feel when asked to get the Taliban under control and they're like "What...? we can't control those crazy people!"
it's hard to convey that he has nothing to do with the way I hope most American think and feel.