Tuesday, March 8, 2011

I suck. I know. Let's forgive and forget, shall we?

I know its been a while. Life took over, big time. I know everyone says that, but it totally happens and I promise to try and be better. That's all I really can do.

So I wanted to share with you something that I did this past weekend that really gave me some perspective on who I am, who I was and who I want to be. 

Some friends and I made 'dream boards' on Saturday. In short - we took 8/11 boards and cut out pictures/words in magazines and glue-sticked them to the board. Arts and Crafts 101.The longer version of the story is a little more deep - so bare with me. It's really awesome, I promise.

The idea behind the dream board was to channel things you want in your life and put them on this board so that you can see them every time you look at the board and also so that you have put them out of your head and out into the universe. 

For those of you who are still with me...let me give you an example. Say I really wanted to be rich and famous...I would cut out pictures of money, words like success and fortune and maybe some photos of glamorous movie stars on the red carpet or something. That's an easy example. But I want to talk about what I really did put on my dream board.
Here goes - a list of some of the words and images I glue-sticked to my board.

The words "Live Beautiful"
A field of flowers was the backdrop
A cut out of the words "Los Angeles"
A woman dancing
A pregnant woman's belly
The word "Baby"
The word "patience"
Two people about to kiss
The words "j'adore" (clearly taken from a perfume ad)
A cut out of the mid section of a girl who is in shape with some weights next to her
A white horse
A woman standing with only a towel on
A couple in a paddle boat on a lake
A guitar
A beautiful dress with the word "Style" on top of it
A camera
A globe
A row of international flags
A jet with a Red Cross emblem on it
The Obamas
The word "Theater"
The word "War" covered by the word "Peace"
And probably a few things I am forgetting at the moment. (Probably would have been easier to post a picture...so I'll try to do that ...)

All of these words and images come together in a collage type arrangement and represent things I want in my life. Maybe not things I want this very second, but things I hope for and wish for my future. 
I could go on to explain each image/word ...but maybe I'll let you guess what they mean. Some are pretty obvious and others might be a little more obscure. Either way, this activity has been pretty inspiring to me for the last few days. There is definitely something to be said about actually SEEING your thoughts instead of locking them away in the back of your mind where they can be ignored.

This is a tangible representation of some of the goals in my life. The beauty of it is that I can change it or add to it and literally visualize my life. We decided to put our boards in our bathrooms so that when we are sitting and have nothing to do but think, we can take a look and remind ourselves of the things we need to be working on or hoping for.

I'll take a picture and post it so you can see what I mean. You should try it, it was super therapeutic and even kind of emotional. Why emotional you might ask? 
Well something that you "want" may not always be something tangible - like a lot of money or something. It might be a change in your life. A change in your mindset. A change in your attitude. Something like that. So admitting that there is something personal you need to work on by putting it on a board can be kind of emotional. 

Anyway....I've rambled enough. When I post the picture, you'll get a better picture of what I mean. And I hope that maybe some of you try this. 


1 comment:

  1. I know exactly what you mean. Some people I respect have told me about the importance of making a visual representation of your dreams and looking at it everyday.
    I am inspired, I have been meaning to do that for a while. I just recently started a fitness journal, and there was this part where you have to make long and short term goals. Filling it out gave me a clarity that I haven't had for a long time.
    also - don't beat yourself up about not posting enough. Life is too short for guilt. If you make posting fun, with no attachment to negative feelings if you don't do it, you will probably post more, or at least about the same amount... (just a thought from guru jessica-san)
