Saturday, September 25, 2010

I need to blog more....

....whenever I do, I feel like I have lifted some weight off of my shoulders. So from now on, I promise at least 2 posts a week. Sounds ambitious, I know. But I always have things to say. So even if they are shorties - like this one - I will up the ante here and blog more. Blog. Blog. Blog. Blog. Blog. Blog. And more blog.

So for now, I leave you with these photos. Some beautiful inspiration from Alice & Olivia's spring 2011 collection. (I know Fall just started, but designers start early....)


Monday, September 20, 2010

I'm going hunting!

So it's my birthday tomorrow. 29. Yee-haw. I must admit, I kind of wish it was just 30 already. Like how long can we drag this out? I know that some of you will say that I should embrace my youth, yadda yadda.. but I feel ready to move on from my 20s. Oh well....whatever. I WILL enjoy the last year in my 20s, because I enjoy life. Anyway, I digress.....

So for my birthday, I planned a Los Angeles Scavenger Hunt for my friends and family. It was a total success and worth every single minute of planning.

Here is how it went down:
We gathered at 4 pm. Mingled, ate, drank. Formed alliances and enemies. (Well everyone else did).
Each car was a team and there were 7 teams. After about an hour or so of anticipation. I gave them the rules. There were items to photograph as well as items to obtain. I also added some riddles that were worth more points. Each photo that was taken had to include a print out photo of me. LOL. And then they were off. They had 3 hours to get as much as possible and then figure out the last riddle that led them to the final destination - a bar on the east side - where I was there waiting. (p.s. while the teams were hunting, I treated myself to a mani/pedi). The end results were amazing!!!!

Below are some of my favorite photos from the teams. (I am still waiting to gather them all so that I can make an album). But honestly, there are so many good ones, I keep wavering on which are my favorites.

If you ever consider planning a hunt like this, I'd be glad to lend some tips/advice. AND, I highly recommend it. My party goers had such a good time, there are rumors of rematches! 

Like I said - Total success. 
love love,

Found: A homeless person.
Riddle Solved: Michael Jackson's Star
Riddle Solved: The Hollywood Sign.
Task accomplished: A sexy photo with a valet driver.
I really can't decide which one I love more.
Task accomplished: A team members feet in the footprints of R2D2.
Task accomplished: Pump a strangers gas.
Found: An out of state license plate.
My beautiful family played the game too! They impressed me!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Time to vent....

Alright, so I kind of told myself that I would not use this blog as a place to get angry. BUT....something really has me angry right now and I must vent. So..... here goes.

"Planned Koran burning draws anger" - is an ACTUAL headline in today's LA Times. This story has been making headlines for a week or so now and I just can't hold my tongue any longer. Rev. Terry Jones  - author of "Islam Is of the Devil" - is a hate monger and needs to be stopped. His claim that he has been 'called upon' to send this message is such bullshit - this is the kind of extremist behavior that starts religious wars, terrorist attacks and hate campaigns. I applaud all of the inter-religious efforts to condemn these actions and try to express the dangerous implications of such a vulgar act of hate.

In case you have not heard this story yet - here is the cliffs note's version of it: A small church in Gainesville, Florida led by Rev. Terry Jones is planning a big Koran burning party on 9/11. Why? Because they are ignorant idiots. Yup, I said it. (I was not kidding when I said that this has got me really angry).

Jone's church claims to be using this offensive act to "warn about the teaching and ideology of Islam, which we do hate as it is hateful. The world is in bondage to the massive grip of the lies of Islam." Wow. Well sounds like the same ignorant jargon that extremist terrorists spout about Christianity.

Rev. Terry Jones and all of his followers are terrorists. We must condemn this act of terror. I hate that I am even giving this story the time of day or space on my blog, BUT - I do think that there are a lot of people like this out there and it is not something to be taken lightly. Ugh!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Baltimore: Hometown of some of the greats...

I'm spending the weekend in Baltimore, MD. I am visiting my best friends Agke and Jessica Grow. I am so excited to see them and soak in some east coast humidity. Oh I am also looking forward to some east coast micro-brew beer and swinging good times with my besties.

In getting stoked about my trip, I decided to write a little bit about some famous names that hail from ol' Balti. Here are some of my faves:

David Byrne - of the Talking Heads. Now, although the dude is Scottish, he spent his formative years in Baltimore County. I am a fan of the Talking Heads and of Byrne's other works. Did you know that he has won an Emmy an Oscar AND a Golden Globe? Look it up - I do not lie. Not that he needs trophies to prove he is a great musician - BUT it's nice to be recognized. I love the Talking Heads because of their interesting place in music history. Standing as a bridge between punk rock and new wave - with elements of world music - made it easy for the kid that wanted to run with both crowds. You know? There were definitely other acts that bridged these formats, but we are talking about the Talking Heads. Plus, all the weird avant-garde shit they did?! Love these guys. Not to mention that I have a thing for bands with chick bass players. fact about Talking Heads: One of my favorite bands, Radiohead took their band name from the Talking Heads song "Radio Head."

Tori Amos - of...well Tori Amos. Born in North Carolina, she grew up in Baltimore. Growing up in the 90s, I lived and breathed the 'alternative' music scene. Tori Amos being the soul sister of this era, it kind of goes without saying that I was enamored. If you haven't experienced a Tori concert, you are missing a spiritual experience. For those of you who have been - you know what I am talking about. There is something sexual, sensual, mystical and magical about her on stage. She is like a preacher hypnotizing you to join her cult. And boy can she work that piano. It looks like she is in a relationship with her piano - a loving, intimate, giving relationship. One of my favorite Tori songs is a cover of the Led Zeppelin song "Thank You." It served as a B-side to the "Crucify" single (a true classic) along with a few other cover songs, including "Smells like Teen Spirit." Anyway, "Thank You" is on of my favorite LZ songs. I love it so much. And it can go two ways with cover songs and Tori does the song justice. Duh....

Charles Bukowski - author, womanizer, poet, misanthrope. He did not live in Baltimore during his career, but spent some of his childhood there. One might think it is odd that I am a fan of Bukowski - what with his misogynistic and all. BUT...I am. I'm a huge fan. I think his writing is true and honest. Virtues that go a long way with me. Yes he writes about relationships with women but he also writes about being poor and being a working slave in this country. What I gain from reading Bukowski is a masculine perspective on life in America that I have never realized in other writers. One of my favorite Bukowski quotes: "The nine-to-five is one of the greatest atrocities sprung upon mankind. You give your life away to a function that doesn't interest you. This situation so repelled me that I was driven to drink, starvation, and mad females, simply as an alternative."
—Sunlight Here I Am: Interviews & Encounters 1963-1993

Rick Ocasek - of The Cars. That freaky looking dude is married to a model! Can you believe it?! Well aside from being from Baltimore (which as we are learning, makes him pretty cool) but also he is an excellent songwriter and producer. So I guess his model wife likes the 'artsy' type. The Rick Ocasek seal of approval is means for bragging rights in the music industry. And how rad were The Cars? Synth-pop rock at its best. You can't tell me that you don't pump the volume whenever one of their many hits are on the radio. "Just What I Needed" (released in '77) is a perfect example of The Cars' sound. It is definitely one of my favorite songs from that era. "I don't mind you coming here and wasting all my time. 'Cuz when you're standing oh so near, I kinda lose my mind." Those classic lyrics of confused emotions gets me every time.

Emily Post - Such a lady! Imagine your legacy being that of proper American etiquette - setting the standards for etiquette for generations to come. She is a household name. "How Emily Post of you!" "That was very Emily Post." "Hello, Emily Post!" If you have questions about proper wedding practices and etiquette - there is an Emily Post book for that. If you are unsure about the appropriate Christmas gift for your in-laws - there is an Emily Post book for that. Social graces are such a lost art form. What if the whole world listened to Emily Post? I think it would be a much more proper place. A telling quote on wedding etiquette: “She must not swing her arms as though they were dangling ropes; she must not switch herself this way and that; she must not shout; and she must not, while wearing her bridal veil, smoke a cigarette." Tell that to Bridezilla.

And lastly, my friend Jessica. Now I know she is not famous to everyone - but she's pretty special to me. A California native, Jessica has resided in Baltimore for about 2 years now. A wonderful artist, friend, wife, daughter, sister and citizen - Jessica is a class act. I can't wait to hang out in this rad city with her where other rad people have lived.

Stay tuned for some photos and adventure posts about my fun Baltimore trip!